Dr. Catherine Wilkinson is the senior writer at project drawdown where she collaborated with Paul Hawken on the New York Times bestseller: “Drawdown, the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming.” Catherine’s interdisciplinary background cuts across research strategy and thought leadership with a focus on exploring amplifying and invigorating action to address climate change.

In the video below, Dr. Katharine Wilkinson delivers a keynote address on Project Drawdown the most comprehensive plan ever proposed to reverse global warming, at the opening ceremonies of the #GenerationSDG Summit.

Some of the solar technologies that Dr. Wilkinson’s website discusses are concentrated solar power, distributed solar photovoltaics, solar hot water, and utility scale solar panel installations.

Here is her talk:

Some key quotes from her talk:

“I think when you begin to look at this whole pie chart or mosaic of solutions you start to see that there are footholds for every individual and every institution on the planet there is no such thing as someone who doesn’t have agency to address this challenge.”

“Carbon is not evil, carbon is a fundamental building block of life. The problem is what we’ve done with it. So this is an issue of coming back into balance with the living systems of our planet and in the process of doing that tapping the ultimate carbon capture and sequestration technology of photosynthesis that Nature has been working on for 3.8 billion years”